Topic 3: Reflection

After initially believing that this topic would be all about LinkedIn, I would like to officially admit defeat! I showcased a variety of social platforms on offer to those wishing to develop an online professional profile in my original post. Miss CEO also mentioned trends in recruitment as something to look out for suggesting we tailor the platforms that we use to what is popular among employers. It really opened my eyes to how difficult finding a job in the current market is and how developing a profile that is effective in standing out is crucial.

Rebecca too recognised the interesting concept of ‘payback’ suggesting that not all channels are effective in developing your online professional profile. The TED talks speech on public shaming that she featured in her post highlighted this introducing the naivety of Twitter as a platform and a channel that can detriment ones online professional persona.

My comment on Clayton’s blog somewhat questioned his points. In light of topic 2 I suggested that keeping personal and professional completely separate may not always ensure that it remains separate. Hannah’s post backed up my views with her reference to Justine Sacco who, thought that she could act personally but this crossed into her professional life.Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 23.26.02

Clayton did however encouraged me to develop my own LinkedIn profile following his slideshare pointers making me an ‘all-star’!

One point that I found really resonated with my post was from Kate who used a quote that summed up and linked to my thoughts of authenticity in your online profile:

“after harnessing your online persona, go out and live it” (Megan Reusink, 2014)

My comment on Ellis’ blog brought to light the future of online professional profiles. In today’s digital world it is likely that you wouldn’t be able to get a job without one, however as my initial post showed some professions have tailored social media networks, does this mean that some professions might not even need an online presence?



Ruesink, Megan (2014) Social media do’s & don’ts: 10 tips for keeping your profiles professional. (Accessed: 15 March 2016)


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